U.S. Merchant Marine Cadets Killed During World War II
Ackerlind, Edward J. | Engine | SS Maiden Creek I |
Alexander, Joseph P. | Deck | SS Angelina |
Amborski, Norbert | Deck | SS Stone Street |
Artist, John W. | Deck | SS St. Mihiel |
Atchison, Alan A., Jr. | Deck | SS Theodore Dwight Weld |
Bergeson, Burton G. | Deck | SS John Winthrop |
Biemel, Peter J. | Engine | SS Salmon P. Chase |
Bogardus, Jr., Henry J. | Engine | SS William King |
Bole III, Robert J. | Deck | MS Wichita |
Bourell, Randall P. | Deck | SS MeriwetherLewis |
Brandler, Carl A. | Engine | SS Munger T. Ball |
Branigan, Philip G. | Deck | SS James McKay |
Brewster, John P. | Engine | SS Syros |
Brodie, Marvin W. | Engine | SS John Harvey |
Bruaw, Glenn R. | Deck | SS Heredia |
Buck, Jr., Michael, | Engine | SS James Sprunt |
Burlison, Harry M. | Deck | SS Jonathan Sturges |
Byrd, Lee T. | Deck | SS Harry Luckenbach |
Carey, Jr., Thomas B. | Lost in training 11/2/44 | |
Carriere, Warren B. | Deck | SS Maiden Creek I |
Carter, John M. | Engine | SS Esso Gettysburg |
Cathey, Vincent G. | Engine | SS Robert E. Lee |
Chamberlain, Jr., Arthur R. | Deck | SS Stephen Hopkins |
Charlton, Jr., Denniston | Deck | SS Arthur Middleton |
Chrobak, Michael M. | Engine | SS Louise Lykes |
Chunosoff, Peter N. | Deck | SS Alcoa Pilgrim |
Clarke, Alan R. | Deck | SS Meriwether Lewis |
Connors, Aubrey G. | Deck | SS Robert Gray |
Conway, Howard P., Jr. | Engine | SS Liberator |
Cordua, James S. | Deck | SS William C. Gorgas |
Corrigan, Vincent J. | Engine | SS Charles C. Pinckney |
Derick, Robert J. | Engine | SS J. Pinckney Henderson |
Di Cicco, Joseph C. | Engine | MS American Leader |
Driscoll, Joseph L. | Deck | SS RobertErskine |
DuChene, Jr., Roy | Lost in training 1/30/45 | |
Ebel, Irwin S. | Engine | SS Heredia |
Egenthal, Meyer | Engine | SS Sawokla |
Erhlich, Leonard L. | Engine | SS James McKay |
Everhart, Robert R. | Deck | SS William Clark |
Farrell, Richard P. | Deck | SS Nathaniel Hawthorne |
Foote, Calvin S. * | Deck | SS Pan Atlantic |
Frohn, David H. | Deck | SS Francis Drake |
Gafford, Ben P. | Engine | SS Arthur Middleton |
Garritsen, Herman G. | Engine | SS William Clark |
Gassner, Charles C. | Deck | SS Louise Lykes |
Gavin, Edward J. | Engine | SS Dorchester |
Gerstacker, Charles F. | Lost in training 10/4/44 | |
Ginnelly, William B. | Engine | SS Scapa Flow |
Giovinco, Joseph | Deck | SS Coamo |
Glauche, Richard B. | Deck | SS John Harvey |
Gordon, John R., Jr. | Engine | SS Nathaniel Greene |
Gradus, Arthur J. | Deck | SS Richard Bland |
Green, William H., Jr. | Engine | SS Samuel Heintzelman |
Guilford, George E. | Engine | SS La Salle |
Hammershoy, Jay A. | Engine | SS Henry R. Mallory |
Hanzik, Edwin | Deck | SS William C. Gorgas |
Harris, Alexander W. | Deck | SS Hobbs Victory |
Hetrick, Walter C., Jr. | Engine | SS James McKay |
Hoggatt, Andrew J. | Lost at sea 11/19/40, SS President Cleveland | |
Holbrook, Richard H. | Engine | SS Bienville |
Holland, Richard E. | Deck | SS Henry R. Mallory |
Hollander, Maxwell | Deck | SS Rosario |
Hope, James A. | Deck | SS John L. Motley |
Howard, Edward D. | Deck | SS John L. Motley |
Justis, Alvin H., Jr. | Engine | SS John Harvey |
Kannitzer, Donald J. | Deck | SS John Burke |
Kellegrew, Thomas | Engine | 35 John Drayton |
Kennedy, Donald A. | Engine | SS Lee S. Overman |
Kern, Otto E., Jr. | Deck | SS Richard Henry Lee |
Klein, Chester E. | Engine | MS Wichita |
Kohlmeyer, Ralph J. | Engine | SS Jonathan Sturges |
Krusko, Joseph W. | Engine | SS Angelina |
Lamac, Robert L. | Deck | SS Charles S. Pinckney |
Lambert, John R. | Deck | SS James Oglethorpe |
Landron, Joseph J., Jr. | Engine | SS Esso Gettysburg |
Lawrence, Leroy P. | Deck | SS Jacksonville |
Levett, Henry A. | Deck | SS Coamo |
Lewis, Richard E. | Deck | SS Azalea City |
Lietz, Grover P. | Engine | SS Jonathan Sturges |
Limehouse. Albert M. | Lost in training 1/5/43 | |
Linde, William R. | Engine | SS Jeremiah Van Rennselaer |
Litton, Jay F. | Engine | SS John L. Motley |
Lyman, William L., Jr. | Deck | SS Timothy Pickering |
Magee, James J. | Deck | SS Edward B. Dudley |
Maher, Daniel J. | Engine | SS Meriwether Lewis |
Marks, Warren P. | Engine | SS Timothy Pickering |
McCall. George D. | Deck | SS Robert Bacon |
McCann, Francis T. | Engine | SS Meriwether Lewis |
McCann, William E. | Engine | SS Thomas Paine |
McCauliffe, Kenneth | Engine | SS Tela |
McGrath, Howard T. | Engine | SS James Sprunt |
McKelvey, John | Deck | SS James McKay |
McLaughlin, Lawrence D. | Engine | SS Timothy Pickering |
Meyer, Walter J. | Engine | SS Harry Luckenbach |
Miller, Allen G., Jr. | Deck | SS Louise Lykes |
Miller, Alphonse I. | Deck | SS Esso Gettysburg |
Miller, Francis R. | Engine | SS Harry Luckenbach |
Miller, George C., Jr. | Deck | SS Wade Hampton |
Moon, James O. | Engine | SS William C. Gorgas |
Nauman, Robert Shepard | Deck | SS Firethorn |
Netcott, Roland E. | Lost in training 9/26/43 | |
Nolan, Ronald C. | Died at sea 1/10/44, SS Wildwood | |
O'Hara. Edwin J. | Engine | SS Stephen Hopkins |
O'Hara, William V. | Deck | SS Sawokla |
Palmer, Robert V. | Engine | SS West Chetac |
Pancratz, George E. | Deck | SS Bushrod Washington |
Parker, William H. | Deck | SS Harry Luckenbach |
Pennington, Fred | Deck | SS La Salle |
Pitzely, David H. | Deck | SS West Portal |
Polcari, Dante L. | Deck | SS St. Mihiel |
Prickett, Roscoe J., Jr. | Deck | SS J. Pinckney Henderson |
Province, James H. | Engine | SS West Portal |
Quayle, Harry, Jr. | Deck | SS Daniel H. Lownsdale |
Race, George R. | Engine | SS Henry R. Mallory |
Record, Richard | Engine | SS James Oglethorpe |
Rosenbloom, J. R. | Deck | SS Charles Henderson |
Rowley, James R. | Deck | SS James Sprunt |
Rovella, Louis J. | Deck | SS Firethorn |
Schultz, Bernard | Deck | SS Cape Ugat |
Schuster, Samuel | Deck | SS Examelia |
See, Robert J. | Engine | SS Azalea City |
Sempell, William S. | Engine | SS Bushrod Washington |
Siviglia, Stephen | Engine | SS Robert Gray |
Smith, Peter J. | Engine | SS William Clark |
Spilman, Bernard W. | Engine | SS Examelia |
Stadstad, Jack N. | Engine | SS John Drayton |
Stewart, John N. | Deck | SS Samuel Heintzelman |
Sturges, Jonathan F. | Engine | SS John Winthrop |
Talbott, John O. | Engine | SS John Morgan |
Tamplin, Charles W. | Deck | SS Richard Bland |
Tone, Francis B. | Engine | SS Samuel J. Tilden |
Tucek, John P. | Deck | SS James Sprunt |
Tyler, Samuel T. | Deck | SS Dorchester |
Tyne, Gordon A. | Deck | MS American Leader |
Vancure, Robert C. | Engine | SS Louise Lykes |
Viridakis, George | Lost in training 12/12/42 | |
Walters, Eugene W. | Deck | SS Louise Lykes |
Watson, John H. | Deck | SS Peter Minuit |
Weis, William R., Jr. | Deck | SS Nathaniel Hawthorne |
Wiggin, Edwin P. | Deck | SS William C. Gorgas |
Wilkinson, Benjamin H. | Deck | SS John Morgan |
Wilson, William C. | Deck | SS Jonathan Sturges |
Wright, Donald S. | Deck | SS Cornelia P. Spencer |
Zapletal, Edwin S. | Deck | SS Paul Hamilton |
The U.S. Merchant Marine Academy Battle StandardThe U.S. Merchant Marine Academy is privileged among the nation's five federal academies to be the only institution authorized to carry a battle standard as part of its color guard. The proud and colorful battle standard perpetuates the memory of the 142 Academy cadet/midshipmen who were casualties of World War II.
During times of war, members of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard engage in combat, but the students at their respective service academies do not. However, the students of the USMMA receive an integral part of their training at sea, and in the Second World War often found their lives in peril as they sailed through enemy-controlled waters or unloaded precious cargo in overseas combat areas. In all, 142 such cadet/midshipmen never returned to home port.
In their memory, the battle standard bears the number "142" on its field of red, white and blue. In its center is the eagle of the Academy's seal in blue and gray, the school colors, and the anchor of the merchant marine in gold. From its top hang the ribbons which represent the various combat zones in which the Academy's cadet/midshipmen served. The first Academy battle standard was handmade. Since 1965, replacement battle standards have been manufactured following the design provided by the Institute of Heraldry in Great Britain.
Phillip Torf, Merchant Marine Academy Liaison Officer
Logo and photo of flag courtesy U.S. Merchant Marine AcademySixth Anniversary Statement by Admiral Land
U.S. Merchant Marine Cadet Corps History6/5/00
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