Military Sea Transportation Service and Merchant Ships Participating in Inchon, Korea Invasion

Korean War Task Organizations for Inchon Invasion -- September 15, 1950

Second Echelon Movement Group 7th Infantry Division

African Pilot
African Rainbow
Aiken Victory (USNS)
Beaver Victory
California Bear
Empire Marshall
Fred C. Ainsworth (USNS)
General Leroy Eltinge (USNS)
Helen Lykes
Lawrence Victory
Meredith Victory
Private Sadao S. Munemori (USNS)
Robin Goodfellow
Robin Kirk

Third Echelon Movement Group X Corps Troops

American Attorney
American Veteran
Belgium Victory
Bessemer Victory
Charles Lykes
Cotton State
Dolly Turman
Empire Wallace
General William Weigel (USNS)
Greenbay Victory
Luxembourg Victory
Marine Phoenix (USNS)
P. & T. Navigator
Robin Trent
Twin Falls Victory

The Sea War in Korea, Malcolm W. Cagle and Frank A Manson, Annapolis, Maryland: United States Naval Institute, 1957

MSTS and Merchant Ships Participating in Hungnam, Korea Redeployment
MSTS in Korean War by Salvatore R. Mercogliano
Europe: The Second Front by Salvatore R. Mercogliano

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